Michael Gottleib Lacrosse ART
Michael Gottleib Lacrosse ART
Michael Gottleib Lacrosse Art & Graphics has been a source of lacrosse art and design since 1974. He has been a part of the lacrosse fraternity as player, coach, referee, founder of teams, and administrator. Mike was inducted into the Hall of Fame for the NorCal Chapter of US Lacrosse (Class of 2010), and the Vail Lacrosse Shootout in 2017. He currently makes art from his studio in Montana.
Thanks for visiting my lacrosse art cyber studio. Please browse, enjoy your stay and send me a note about how I can better satisfy your lacrosse art interests.
To order, please visit the PBD link at my Square Marketplace.
How about a lacrosse portrait of your favorite athlete; artwork rendered from your photo.
My lacrosse art makes memories and can satisfy your need for a unique and tangible gift.
Send me a note with your impressions from my site. I look forward to hearing from you.
Mike was inducted into the Vail Shootout Lacrosse Hall of Fame’s initial class in 2017 for introducing California lacrosse to this prestigious tournament, and winning three championships from 1978-1982.
Call, write, email or take advantage of my shopping cart to make a purchase. For a few pieces that may not be in the shopping cart, send me an email to discuss the art in question.
I look forward to any comments. Send to Mike Gottleib!
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Jackson Roberts Portrait